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Junior Course

Age group:

4 years- below 10 years

Class Hours:

Twice a week as per class routine-Total 80 minutes daily.

Dance & Steps ( 40 minutes):

Dance steps with rhymes, folk dance, short dance feature and simple classical dance steps for higher age groups.

Singing ( 40 minutes) :

Nursery & CLT songs, simple Tagore songs, folk songs and chorus

Art (40 minutes):

Pencil sketch, pastel &water colour.



On completion of the junior course under academy, the trainees will have parting of streams in the senior course, moving on to one of the streams as follows:

 Dance (Girls only)   Drama (Boys only)   Art (Boys & Girls)   Music (Boys & Girls)

Trainees of other streams will however, continue in their respective groups till the age of 14 years.

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